Livres - Symposium - Publications
Livres |
F. Malaisse, F. Mathieu "Big Bone Disease. A multidisciplinary approach of Kashin-Beck Disease in Tibet Autonomous Region (P.R. China)" Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux, August 2008 - ISBN 978-2-87016-093-0 |
Symposium |
Delporte C, Souard F, Ndedi Ekolo F, Lognay G, Van Antwerpen P, Mathieu F, Chasseur C, Fontaine V Targeted and untargeted metabolomics using LC-HRMS on cereal grains contaminated by fungi from endemic areas for Kashin-Beck Disease. Poster presented at the 11e Journées Scientifiques du RFMF (Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et Fluxomique), Liège, May 23-25, 2018 __________________ Mathieu F, Claus W, Wangdu L, Sheero R, Dermience M, Rooze S, De Maertelaer V, Hinsenkamp M Chasseur C, Mathieu F, Claus W, Drokkar P, He L, Lognay G Dermience M, Mathieu F, Li XW , Vandevijvere S, Claus W, De Maertelaer V, Dufourny G, Bing L, Yangzom D, Lognay G Rooze S, Mathieu F, Claus W, Yangzom T, Yangzom D, Goyens P __________________ Rooze S, De Maertelaer V, Yangzon T, Yangzom D, Claus W, Mathieu F, Goyens P Poster presented at: Meeting Day “Jeunes Chercheurs Outre-Mer” (Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer) December 16, 2014 Goyens P, Rooze S, Bally P, Wang Zhu, Men Jianhua, Wang Guodong, De Maertelaer V , Rapten S, Claus W, Mathieu F Poster and presentation abstract at: BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Nutrition and Health (BIT’s 1st Annual Global Health Conference 2013) October 12-14, 2013 Goyens P, Devogel P, Mathieu F, Robert M, Losang R, Wangdu L, Dermience M, Lognay G, Rooze S Presentation abstract at: BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Nutrition and Health (BIT’s 1st Annual Global Health Conference 2013) October 12-14, 2013 M. Dermience, P. Maesen, F. Mathieu, P. Goyens, S. Rooze, G. Lognay Poster presented at: 6th symposium of "Groupe de Contact Nutrition et Alimentation Santé" October 26, 2010. __________________ SICOT/SIROT 2008 – 24–28 August 2008 - Scientific Programme: Hinsenkamp M, Mathieu F, Collard JF. |
Publications |
Dermience M., Mathieu F., Li X.W., Vandevijvere S., Claus W., De Maertelaer V., Dufourny G., Li Bin, Yangzom D., Lognay G Minerals and Trace Elements Intakes and Food Consumption Patterns of Young Children Living in Rural Areas of Tibet Autonomous Region, P.R. China: A Cross-Sectional Survey Healthcare 2017, 5, 12. Rooze S., Mathieu F., Claus W., Yangzom T., Yangzom D., Goyens P., De Maertelaer V. Effect of calcium and vitamin D on growth, rickets and Kashin–Beck disease in 0- to 5-year-old children in a rural area of central Tibet Dermience M., Lognay G, Mathieu F & Goyens Ph. Effects of thirty elements on bone metabolism Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 32 (2015) 86 - 106 Dermience M., Li, Xiao Wei, Mathieu F , Claus, W., De Maertelaer V., Yangzom D., Tsewang P. & Lognay G Minerals and trace elements in traditional foods of rural areas of Lhasa prefecture, People's Republic of China The relevance of food composition data for nutrition surveys in rural Tibet: pilot study in the context of Kashin-Beck Disease BASE, 2013, 17: 32 - 42 ORBi Malaisse F., Claus W., Drolkar P., Lopsang R., Wangdu L., Mathieu F. Ü Ethnomycology and Ethnobotany (South Central Tibet). Diversity, with emphasis on two underrated targets: plants used for dyeing and incense. Geo-Eco-Trop, 2012, 36: 185-199 Rooze S., Dramaix-Wilmet M., Mathieu F., Bally P., Yangzom D., Li J.Z., Goyens P. Growth, nutritional status, and signs of rickets in 0–5-year-old children in a Kashin–Beck disease endemic area of Central Tibet Eur J Pediatr. Published online:22 February 2012, DOI 10.1007/s00431-012-1699-3 Dermience M. Kashin-Beck Disease: Evaluation of mineral intake in young Tibetan Children from endemic areas ORBi, Master's dissertation 2010 Aug 30 Lognay G., Haubruge E., Delcarte E., Whatelet B., Mathieu F., Marlier M., Malaisse F. 2009 "Ophioglossum polyphyllum - A. Braun in Seub. (Ophioglossaceae, Pteridophyta), a rare potherb in south central Tibet (T.A.R., P.R., China)" Geo-Eco-Trop, 2008, 32:9 - 16 Hinsenkamp M, Mathieu F, Claus W, Collard JF, de Maertelaer V. Effects of physical environment on the evolution of Kashin-Beck disease in Tibet. In Orthop. 2009 Mar 17. Malaisse F., De Kesel A., Begaux F., Drokar P., Goyens P., Hinsenkamp M., Leteinturier B., Mathieu F., Rapten S., Wangla R., Lognay G. 2009 : "A propos des champignons comestibles du Tibet centro-austral (R.P.Chine)" ; "About South-Central Tibet edible mushrooms (P.R. China)" Geo-Eco-Trop, 2007, 31:233 - 242 de Voghel P. Valorisation nutritionnelle de l’alimentation d’enfants âgés de 9 à 16 ans originaires de région endémique pour la maladie de Kashin-Beck au Tibet central. Mémoire présenté en vue de l’obtention du Diplôme de Diététique de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent. Enseignement de Promotion et de Formation continue (EPFC), Bruxelles. Année académique 2007-2008. Moreno-Reyes R, Mathieu F, Boelaert M, Begaux F, Suetens C, Rivera MT, Neve J, Perlmutter N, Vanderpas J. Selenium and iodine supplementation of rural Tibetan children affected by Kashin-Beck osteoarthropathy. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Jul;78(1):137-44. Haubruge, E.; Chasseur, C.; Suetens, C.; Mathieu, F.; Begaux, F.; Malaisse, F. Mycotoxins in Stored Barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Tibet Autonomous Region (People's Republic of China) Montain Research and Development. August 2003, 23 (3):284-87. Chasseur, C.; Begaux, F.; Suetens, C.; Mathieu, F.; Nolard, N.; Malaisse, F.; Wang, Z.; Haubruge, E. Is Kashin-Beck disease related to the presence of fungi on grains? 8th Proceedings IWCSPP; July 2002, 526 - 528 Haubruge E, Chasseur C, Debouck C, Suetens C, Michel V, Mathieu F, Begaux F. Occurence of mycotoxins in stored barley in Tibet Autonomous Region. Food Addit.Contam., 2001. Debouck C, Haubruge E, Bollaerts P, van Bignoot D, Brostaux Y, Werry A, Rooze M. Skeletal deformities induced by the intraperitoneal administration of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) in mice. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):194-8. Mathieu F, Suetens C, Begaux F, De Maertelaer V, Hinsenkamp M. Effects of physical therapy on patients with Kashin-Beck disease in Tibet. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):191-3. Suetens C, Moreno-Reyes R, Chasseur C, Mathieu F, Begaux F, Haubruge E, Durand MC, Neve J, Vanderpas J. Epidemiological support for a multifactorial aetiology of Kashin-Beck disease in Tibet. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):180-7. Sudre P, Mathieu F. Kashin-Beck disease: from etiology to prevention or from prevention to etiology? Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):175-9. Malaisse F, Haubruge E, Mathieu F, Begaux F. Ethno-agricultural approach to the rural environment in the prevention of Kashin-Beck disease. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):170-4. La Grange M, Mathieu F, Begaux F, Suetens C, Durand MC. Kashin-Beck disease and drinking water in Central Tibet. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):167-9. Moreno-Reyes R, Suetens C, Mathieu F, Begaux F, Zhu D, Rivera T, Boelaert M, Neve J, Perlmutter N, Vanderpas J. Kashin-Beck disease and iodine deficiency in Tibet. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):164-6. Haubruge E, Chasseur C, Debouck C, Begaux F, Suetens C, Mathieu F, Michel V, Gaspar C, Rooze M, Hinsenkamp M, Gillet P, Nolard N, Lognay G. The prevalence of mycotoxins in Kashin-Beck disease. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):159-61. Chasseur C, Suetens C, Michel V, Mathieu F, Begaux F, Nolard N, Haubruge E. A 4-year study of the mycological aspects of Kashin-Beck disease in Tibet. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):154-8. Pasteels JL, Liu FD, Hinsenkamp M, Rooze M, Mathieu F, Perlmutter N. Histology of Kashin-Beck lesions. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):151-3. Hinsenkamp M, Ryppens F, Begaux F, Mathieu F, De Maertelaer V, Lepeire M, Haubruge E, Chasseur C, Stallenberg B. The anatomical distribution of radiological abnormalities in Kashin-Beck disease in Tibet. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):142-6. Mathieu F, Begaux F, Suetens C, De Maertelaer V, Hinsenkamp M. Anthropometry and clinical features of Kashin-Beck disease in central Tibet. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):138-41. Hinsenkamp M. Kashin-Beck disease. Int Orthop. 2001;25(3):133. No abstract available. Haubruge E, Chasseur C, Mathieu F, Begaux F, Malaisse F, Nolard N, Zhu D, Suetens C, and Gaspar C. La maladie de Kashin-Beck et le milieu rural au Tibet: un problème agri-environnemental. Cahiers Agricultures 2000, 9, 117-124:117-124. Hinsenkamp M. Kashin-Beck disease. Guest Editorial in "Orthopaedics Today". 2000;3(6):3-6. Moreno-Reyes R, Suetens C, Mathieu F, Begaux F, Zhu D, Rivera MT, Boelaert M, Neve J, Perlmutter N, Vanderpas J. Kashin-Beck osteoarthropathy in rural Tibet in relation to selenium and iodine status. N Engl J Med. 1998 Oct 15;339(16):1112-20. Liu F., Wang Z., Hinsenkamp M. Knee osteotomy in 195 advanced cases of Kashin-Beck disease Int Orthop. 1998;22:87-91. Chasseur C, Suetens C, Nolard N, Begaux F, Haubruge E. Fungal contamination in barley and Kashin-Beck disease in Tibet. Lancet. 1997 Oct 11;350(9084):1074. No abstract available. Mathieu F, Begaux F, Lan ZY, Suetens C, Hinsenkamp M. Clinical manifestations of Kashin-Beck disease in Nyemo Valley, Tibet. Int Orthop. 1997;21(3):151-6. |