New project on the Tibetan Plateau (Qinghai & Sichuan) |
In June 2017, KBDF was obliged to close down its project in Tibet Autonomous Region (T.A.R.) after 25 years of work and positive results (drastic drop of KBD prevalence). It was the unexpected and unfortunate consequence of the new law about the management of the overseas NGO in P.R. China and the end of the agreements between KBDF and its partner in Lhasa... After all, the Belgian team decided to carry on its commitment towards Tibetan population! According to scientific literature (CDC China), the provinces of Qinghai and Sichuan are identified as endemic areas for KBD too. For this reason, an explorative mission was realized, with the precious help of the Tibetan team of Lhasa. Rural areas of these provinces are inhabited by several kinds of population: farmers, nomads, semi-nomads and resettled nomads. These nomads are encouraged by the Government to settle down, without any knowledge and tools to live a sedentary live. This often leads to a more precarious family situation. These rural populations are certainly in needs and suffer from troubles linked with their very poor living conditions (malnutrition, bone diseases, gynaecological problem, etc.). Following these observations and people met, KBDF team decided to use its experience and expertise on health, nutrition and food diversification to serve this underprivileged population. The first phase of the new project took place from September to December 2017. It was divided in 2 kind of activities and areas: 1) Greenhouses construction (Sichuan province) with the goal to improve and diversify diet (very poor and monotonous) of the Tibetan population. 2) Health and hygiene promotion (Qinghai province) with the objective to raise awareness about basic health problems which could be avoided by changing hygiene habits. These activities were setup at small scale in order to test the implementation on the field, how villagers welcome the activities and their implication. In December 2017, a field evaluation was realized with very positive conclusions, very promising for the future! For example, now families can grow vegetable during wintertime at 4,500 meters high thanks to their greenhouses! An important step towards a better diet for their children! Villagers were also very happy with training sessions about health and hygiene. They reported that they understood better the importance of simple hygiene habits and they will try their best to put into practice what they learned in their daily life. After this good evaluation regarding the implementation but also the results, KBDF decided to continue and to set-up a bigger project for 2018-2020. The general objective of the new project is to improve health conditions and daily life (poverty alleviation) of the underprivileged population of the Tibetan Plateau (Sichuan and Qinghai provinces). To achieve this, the project will be divided in several activities, based on KBDF expertise: - Food diversification by building greenhouses and teaching gardening practices. - Basic health issues prevention by improving population knowledge through training sessions on basic health, hygiene and nutrition topics. Original and interactive tools (audio, video, game…) will be created to arouse more participants’ interest and to ease the memorizing. - Punctual and targeted actions following the needs of the population, directly or indirectly linked with the first two topics. For example, one village doesn’t have running water. No way to build greenhouses there if they cannot water vegetable! So, the first step will be to facilitate water access by digging water reservoirs in families’ courtyards. Another example is also to install collective or familial solar showers, so they can put into practice what they learn during health promotion sessions. In parallel, KBDF will also enjoy the opportunity to explore these provinces said to be endemic for KBD. Regarding the research on KBD causes, it is still going on in Belgium. |
T.A.R. project (2009-2017) |
为中国西藏自治区内的大骨节病人所采取的营养和环境措施 从2009年1月开始, 大骨节病基金会在拉萨市和山南地区两个地区的大骨节病区开发和实施了3个项目,使这两个地区的近百个自然村的人群受益。 所实施的项目包括营养补给项目,该项目侧重服务于5岁以下受大骨节病,佝偻病和其他由于缺乏营养而引起的疾病危险的儿童。 为了得到更多具体的结果使儿童更好的成长或使儿童成长负责人的膳食习惯得以改变,项目设计了6年的工作计划 项目有三个组成部分: 儿童营养项目的主要目标是在病区预防大骨节病,佝偻病和其他由于营养不良造成的骨骼疾病。 儿童营养项目的另外一个目标是收集和分析儿童营养数据,获得儿童成长曲线并将其和世界卫生组织的标准进行比较 2. 食物多样化项目 食物多样化项目 的设计是基于为大骨节病区的人们提供长期的可持续的方法来确保他们食物的多样性。该项目的主要目标是减少饮食单一造成的危害并进一步提高营养水平 为了达到这一目标,项目在村子里开展了不同的活动在 - 菜园开发以及蔬菜种子分发 - 种子仓库 - 荨麻项目 - 温室建造 - 果树种植 - 生产当地菜籽油 3. 防止真菌污染谷物项目 该项目开始于几年前,项目的主要目标是减少和预防谷物被真菌感染 项目采取了不同的措施来督导和监测,直到防止真菌污染谷物成为当地村民新的农业习惯。 4. 垃圾处理项目 该项目和大骨节病没有直接的联系,但它有助于改善农村多样化的卫生问题 , 在农村垃圾管理是一个全新的概念, 大骨节病基金会试图通过建立垃圾收集中心是村民了解分类处理垃圾的重要性。 5. 培训项目 大骨节病基金会组织有关营养和健康, 温室大棚和乡村种子库的管理,以及跟项目直接相关和间接相关的培训, 使其他的项目活动更有效更持续。 |
前项目 |
治疗与培训 于1992年作为试点项目的开始,建立了两处理疗室并给当地医务人员提供了理疗培训。1993年进行的评估结果肯定了此试点项目的效果。随之将理疗项目扩大到6个地区、13个县、28个乡的37个村,共建立了65所理疗室。此项目的主要目的是减轻和治疗大骨节病导致残疾的严重患病者的痛苦,编写理疗教材并给乡村医生提供培训。 自1993年11月以来,在拉萨组织了数次乡村医生理疗培训班,共有92名乡村以及地县医生参加了培训。给所有理疗室配备了标准的设备。在某些困难村庄也建立了小型诊所,村民直接参与了建设。 |
理疗学研究 计划4年研究工作于1993年4月开始,数据的采集于1997年完成。 研究工作有两个方面的目标: - 评估理疗学治疗对残疾的大骨节病患病者产生的效果 - 通过临床和X-光拍片检测大骨节病,编写学术文章(之前从未在西藏进行过)。 |
流行分布调查 目的是建立西藏自治区大骨节病流行病图。现时,西藏大骨节病流行状况的摸底已经完成,各地区的发病状况也基本摸清。上述工作已于1999年北京国际大骨节病和相关骨科研讨会作了上介绍。 |
流行病研究 主要研究病因的三种学说:硒缺乏、谷物被真菌污染和饮用水含有机物。研究选了600名儿童作为试点对象、5至15岁,生活在12个拉萨地区的偏远村庄。 * 硒 横向研究:目的是通过临床、生物和放射性检测大骨节病的特征,通过补硒进行临床研究。 纵向研究:硒补给临床研究 目的是检测大骨节病与缺硒有关的学说并根据结果制定预防措施的方法。 * 谷物与真菌培养 目的是检测大骨节病与谷物被真菌污染有关的学说并根据结果制定预防措施的方法。 * 水 目的是检测大骨节病与饮水含有机物(黄腐酸)或微量元素和矿物质有关的学说。 |
大骨节病的预防 预防大骨节病的历史很长。主要预防方法是根据前文提到的三种大骨节病病因学说实施的。 有报告称,补硒(同时补或不补抗氧化剂)有显著效果,但其它措施没有显著效果。补硒方法的主要困难是保证每人每日的长期补给管理。为了避免甲状腺退化,补硒前必须检测碘水平。如碘水平是缺乏,应先补碘。西藏是硒缺乏地区,于1987-1994在大骨节病高发区实施了补硒。根据大骨节病与谷物被真菌感染的说法,在广西采取了一些防潮措施,但是没有发布任何效果方面的文章。 有报道称,在中国的黑龙江省和北朝鲜对病区群众采取的换粮措施获得了一些效果。有报道称,通过改水,饮用深井水降低了X-光拍片干骺端检出率。 总之,因预防措施使用的不同方法学和缺乏对比质控和文章,大家对预防效果存有较大分歧。 |
结果 随着年龄的增长与大骨节病临床和放射性特征的变化。 最常见的临床症状为骨关节变形和疼痛,形成骨关节活动受阻,逐步演变成严重病例。受影响最大的关节部位是足踝、肘关节和膝盖。 儿童缺硒问题极为严重,但无法解释大骨节病病例和非病例间的差异。补硒结果没有显示对大骨节病主要病症、如病症增长或甲状腺功能(碘缺乏更正以后)产生的效果。 * 病区儿童是严重碘缺乏,大骨节病也与此关联。 * 关于谷物,大骨节病与三种谷物真菌也有着很大的关联。 谷物被真菌污染有三个周期:谷物成长期种子或土壤带有真菌污染。秋收后较长时间置留在田间而产生真菌污染。谷物晾晒期间和储藏期间生长真菌。 根据对采样谷物进行的检验结果,有黑青稞的村户儿童的大骨节病患病比例较高,也许有些谷物种类更容易被真菌污染有关。 关于水质方面,大骨节病户使用较小容水缸。较小容水缸内的有机物明显高于较大容水缸,说明较小容水缸无法足够沉淀有机物。 * 包括维生素E或C等氧化剂营养素,生活较富裕家庭孩子受大骨节病侵害明显低于贫困家庭的孩子,说明较为多样化食物和营养可明显预防大骨节病。 总之,各种调查的结果显示此病与营养缺乏与大骨节病有关的学说有着明显的接近。部分以上内容的文章已发表。请阅读文章。 |
在西藏自治区山南、日喀则、拉萨地区,针对大骨节病病区群众, 分析和实施营养、卫生和环境措施:2004-2007 项目目的 |